Masai Mara Game Reserve


The word Mara means spotted! Masai mara game reserve is arguably the best most beautiful and popular game sanctuary in Kenya . It is most famous for hosting all of the big five and having varieties of animals in abundance. The Mara is an extension of the Serengeti ecosystem to the south and the topography is similar.A spectacle worth seeing is the annual migration of millions of Wildebeests, Zebras and Gazelles from the Serengeti plains across the Tanzania border and the Mara River to reach Masai Mara grazing fields in late June. The migration returns to Serengeti in October. The dramatic crossing of the river and the preying on the Migrants by predators can be viewed from early July to August.

The game reserve abounds with bird life since close to 550 species have been recorded. A visit to the Masai village is an unforgotten experience where you can learn about their culture and be in reality with their day-to-day lives. Hot Air Balloon Safaris are readily available. This is a 1-hour early morning ride that will enable you to spot the game over the reserve with a Champagne breakfast especially reserved for you in the wilderness upon landing. Wildlife spotted in the Mara includes: – Wildebeest, Lions, Buffaloes, Giraffe, Zebra, Hippo’s, Topi, Heartbeast, Jackals, Hyenas, Cheetah, Leopards, Elephants, Rhino, Warthogs, Baboons e.t.c. Accommodation is plentiful in the Mara and range from five stars lodges to luxury tented camps.