Lake Nakuru National Park

A beautiful wildlife haven

Lake Nakuru is a shallow alkaline lake in the Great Rift Valley . The park was created in 1960 as a bird life sanctuary. It is a beacon for leading Ornithologists, scientists and researchers for its 450 birds species and about 30 white rhinos. It is in this park, where the biggest forest of yellow acacia and giant Euphorbia trees can be seen. Interestingly the rare and endangered Rothschild giraffe species does very well in this park having been relocated from soy plains of Eldoret from 1974.

The greatest attraction however is the presence of over one and a half million greater and lesser flamingoes that paints the Lake pink . The abundance in the blue green algae in the lake forms the primary food source for the flamingoes. Visitors can enjoy the panoramic view of the lake from the Baboon cliffs, the highest point in the park. Other animals to be seen are- large herds of buffaloes, Defassa Waterbucks, Impalas, Grants and Thompson gazelles, Lions, Baboons, Cheetahs, Elands, Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Black and White Colubus Monkey, Common Zebra, Genet e.t.c, Game viewing is relatively easy. Accommodation– includes, two lodges, Kenya wildlife services guest house, five campsites, self-held bandas and two picnic sites.